Out with the old: my most popular post by far was (unsurprisingly, perhaps) the one about using two-column to-do lists, and the first runner up was (surprisingly, perhaps) the one about cleaning house.
And now in with the new: A couple weeks ago I asked for feedback about what my weekly project should be for the next year.
My ideas were to take the "no new clothes" challenge, to try a new craft or recipe every week, to start a "classics" book club or to create a Book of Hours.
On Facebook, in person, and in blog comments the answer was definitely that I should create a Book of Hours. So, okay! Here I go!
But, because I'm me, I still kind of want to do all of these things. Since then, I have found two book clubs - one in person and one virtual - that read classics in a nigh-monthly, low-stress way. So I'll join those. I reserve the right to blog about them if I so desire.
I will join these two book clubs. |
This blog space might get a bit juggly for the next year. I will work on the Book of Hours project at least once a week until it is done or until the year is over, and update weekly with pictures of, and comments about, that. I might also keep posting about organizational systems, recipes, craft and science projects, and maybe mending and thrifting, sporadically. Only time will tell!
In any event, you can expect the first post about my Book of Hours project as the next post on this blog.